You’re doing what? With who? Where?

Phone conversation with Thing One:

Grace :  “While I am in Boston I am going to meet a couple of friends that live in the vicinity whom I met in the blogging world.”

Thing One:  “OK, mom, don’t forget the “proof of life” pictures.”

Grace: “you got it kiddo”

Friday, April 6, 2018

proof of life
Grace Fullnot….last seen wearing pic

Grace:  Good Morning kiddo

Thing One:  What’s wrong?

Grace:  Nothing, just sending you proof of life, Bill will be here in a few minutes to pick me up.

Thing One:  Why aren’t you smiling?

Grace:  Seriously?… Because I am freezing my ass off, and besides I wouldn’t be smiling if I was kidnapped 😛

Thing One:  I’m gonna need another picture

The things you do for your kids….

Grace:  Better?

Thing One: 😀

SMH….for those of you who don’t know…SMH is Shaking my head.  (I really do that A lot!)

narrow streets





Superman was supposed to pick me up by 10.  I’m expecting a little Honda Civic to pull up…. he tells me when he’s on his way that he will be driving a truck instead…..ummmm……. itty bitty roads….

“Let me know when you’re close, I might have to meet you on the corner?”

Before I knew it, ( early even ) there he was loading mine and my companions suitcases in the truck.   Bill and I were heading to Salem for the day, where we would be meeting Karyn and Steve after exploring Salem for a bit.  My traveling companions were going to Pax East at the Boston Convention Center, and we would meet up again at a new airbnb apartment near Salem for the night.

Superman Really Does Exist

To keep his identity a secret…this is the only picture of him I will post

Before we ever decided to meet in real life, Bill and I spent hours on the phone.  (not all at one time, though he did provide a big shoulder when I was struggling with Sara’s death) but we’ve talked about our illnesses, our common expression of saying, “are you really sure you want me to answer that?” when people ask for our opinions, and so on and so on.  Not only is he a great writer, but a great friend.

The real reason I am not posting his picture, is because he wasn’t feeling well and hasn’t been for awhile.  That’s HIS story to tell though, if you want to check it out.    As I said, he is a great writer, and just an all around great guy.

After eating breakfast at a little restaurant in Salem, we wondered around to find the Salem Witch Museum (my choice, not his)

I’m not going to say much about the experience, because hearing about the amount of hatred that people endured during the witchcraft trails still gives me the chills, but I did want to share this postcard.  The last room of the museum  is painted with the words on the postcard….. Very thought provoking!

Of course it was snowing in New England…AGAIN

snow in new england
Just flurries though for the time being

Let me tell you a little bit about the other two bloggers that I got to meet.

First of all there is Steve Markesich

grace and steveOf course you can read his About ME page, but I want to tell you about the man I met.  I’m not sure exactly how our path’s crossed.  ( I think he was doing the “my publisher said, I need to add as many people on social media as I can for the book I am writing thing”)  Either way, Steve’s is the first blog I ever started following.

I love the honesty, openness, and determination he displays when he writes about living with Primary Progressive MS.  MS is a nasty monster, and while I would not wish the disease on anyone, it is good to know you have people like this with you on this scary ride.  Poor Steve has also become a dear friend (didn’t know what you signed up for did you?”)  Please take a moment to check out his blog MSich Chronicles.  He does a great job of sharing how he overcomes the challenges that MS has laid at his door.

I had the privilege of meeting Karyn who writes Karyn’s Domain.

grace and karynKaryn and my paths first crossed around the time she wrote this The best blog I ever read.   She sent me a message saying that she had found my blog after reading Superman’s posts in their entirety, and looked forward to getting to know like minded people….

As many of you know lately my life has been filled with Drama, drama, drama, and I haven’t had much time for keeping up with ANY blogs, but the day after we met, I went to her website and saw this post.  (Honestly at first thought from the meme, I thought she was talking about me….lol).  This woman quit her job, and hiked the Appalachian trail!!!  How can you NOT want to know more?!?!?!  Actually , there is much more to Karyn, I encourage you to follow her on her journey as she discovers where she is headed next.  I know that I will be.

I would like to tell you that our “little get together” lasted until dawn and that we all just barely escaped being arrested for a noise disturbance.  But to tell you the truth…. we got together and just talked…..and it was perfect!  (in hindsight, they might have brought duct tape for MY Mouth)

Thank you all for making the trip and spending your time with me.  I look forward to our ongoing friendships!!!!

14 thoughts on “You’re doing what? With who? Where?

  1. Hi Grace!! I love your photos in this post. I try to post at least one photo but I forget to take photos so I don’t have a whole lot to choose from (btw: I’m still growing out my hair on top…It’s longer now. No idea what I’ll end up doing with it) I think you should have included a photo with the Steve’s hat – my personal favorite. Thanks for the link – nice.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so amazing and I am SO glad you were able to meet a couple bloggers! That had to be a wonderful experience! I really wish you had been in my area because it would have been great to meet you!!


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